Thailand Law Journal 2009 Fall Issue 2 Volume 12


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    Australian Agency for International Development(AusAid), Country program Thailand,( 2005)

    Australian Department of Foreign trade and Affair, AUSTRALIA?S TRADE, (2002)

    Australian government Department of Foreign Affair and Trade, A Business Guide to The Thailand and Australia Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), 2004

    Australian government Department of Foreign Affair and Trade, Australian and Thailand Free Trade Agreement Benefits for Australian Exporters, 2004

    CCH Australian customs news, Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement, 8 October 2004

    Centre for the study of Australia-Asia relations, The Asia-Australia survey 1997-98, South Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia, (1998).

    Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and trade, Australia Relations with Thailand, the Parliament of the Commonwealths of Australia, Canberra, (1995)

    Parliament library information, analysis and advice for parliament, Custom Amendment (Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation)Bill 2004, Bill digest, 21 January 2005, nos. 89-90,2004-5,ISSN 1328-8091

    Parliament library information, analysis and advice for parliament, Australian Manufacturing: A Brief History of Industry Policy and Trade Liberalisation, research paper 7 1999-2000

    Thai government Department of Trade Negotiation, Ministry of Commerce, Thailand ? Australia Free Trade Agreement: Benefit for Thai Exporter, Bangkok, 2005.

    Ortino F, Basic Legal Instrument for the Liberlisation of Trade: A Comparative Analysis of EC and WTO Law, HART PUBLISHING, Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2004.

    Bhala R. and Kennedy K., World Trade Law: The Gatt- WTO System, Regional Arragement, and U.S. Law, LEXIS Law Publishing, Verginia, 1998.

    Trebilcock M. and Howese R., THE REGULATION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, New York : Routledge, 1999.

    WTO, Trade Policy Review Australia report by government, 26 August 2002.

    WTO, Trade Policy Review Thailand report by secretariat, 15 October 2003.


    - Australian government Austrade

    - Australian Government
    Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    - Department of Trade Negotiation Ministry of Commerce Royal Thai government,

    - Department of Export promotion Ministry of Commerce Royal Thai government

    - EU Business news

    - Parliament library information

    - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

    - Federation of Automotive Product Manufactures

    - The Customs department of Kingdom of Thailand

This article is published with the kind permission of Pornchai Wisuttisak, current PhD candidate, School of Business Law and Taxation, ASB, University of New South Wales, Master of Commercial Law, Macquarie University, BA, Political Science, Thammasat University, Thailand. This article originally appeared in the Thailand and Australia Free trade agreement (TAFTA): The advantage pace of foreign investment of both countries.


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